Over the past 3 years we had been developing a series of training specifically aimed at staff working at centres for adults with moderate to profound disabilities. This interactive training is currently provided at two levels.
The first level covers the basics of what disability is (and isn’t), disability Rights, and an introduction to supporting adults with disabilities.
Level two gives input on common disabilities: how they can impact on a person’s life, and how they as staff can support a person with these disabilities within their centres. This level also provides documents that can be used for record-keeping and monitoring the goals and progress of an adult with a disability with an Adult Day Care Centre, and guideline for planning and running activities within the centres.
In both training levels we discuss and look at practical ways to maintain their own wellness as staff, to prevent burnout.
If you would like to find out more about the training we offer, please get in touch on info@senecio.org.za or 021 852 3856.