Our services
Our main goal is to improve the long-term quality of life for adults with disabilities by supporting centres in underprivileged communities in the Western Cape.
Here's how we do it:
Staff and management participate in Senecio’s three levels of training specifically developed for Adult Daycare Centres (ADCs), to build capacity and develop skills to effectively support adults with disabilities in these centres. Senecio also continues to develop resources that will aid ADCs in their work with adults with disabilities.
2. On-site individualised support
Once staff have completed training, our occupational therapists provide practical on-site support, tailored to each centre’s unique needs, for impactful implementation of knowledge into practice. We also link centres with local services to strengthen community support of ADCs.
3. Continued virtual support and monitoring
We gradually transition support as centres become more skilled, empowering them to operate independently. While we're always available to consult, we have faith in the ability and strength of our partner centres to be self-sufficient and resilient. Our goal is to empower everyone involved to continually thrive and succeed.
If you are looking for similar organisations in Helderberg or Somerset West - Changeability has created a one-stop online information resource about disability organisations that is easily accessible to all.​
Take a look at the map.
Locations we are currently working in